Part of the Methods in Molecular Biology book series (MIMB,volume 2174)
Autores: Cynthia López-Pacheco, Andrea Bedoya-López, Roxana Olguín-Alor & Gloria Soldevila*
The study of tumor exosomes has gained relevance in the last decades due to their potential use for therapeutic and diagnostic application. Although there is extensive knowledge of exosome biology, some biological samples like tumor-derived exosomes have been difficult to characterize due to their complexity and heterogeneity. This distinctive feature makes difficult the identification of specific exosome subpopulations with a shared molecular signature that could allow for targeting of exosomes with therapeutic and diagnostic potential use in cancer patients. Nanoscale flow cytometry has lately emerged as an alternative tool that can be adapted to the study of nanoparticles, such as exosomes. However, the physicochemical properties of these particles are an important issue to consider as nanoparticles need the application of specific settings which differ from those used in conventional flow cytometry of cells. Therefore, in the last few years, one of the main aims has been the optimization of technical and experimental protocols to improve exosome analysis. In this chapter, we discuss several aspects of cytometric systems with a special emphasis in technical considerations of samples and equipment.
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López-Pacheco, C., Bedoya-López, A., Olguín-Alor, R., Soldevila, G. (2021). Analysis of Tumor-Derived Exosomes by Nanoscale Flow Cytometry. In: Robles-Flores, M. (eds) Cancer Cell Signaling. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2174. Humana, New York, NY.
Vía: Cancer Cell Signaling pp 171–191
* Departamento de Inmunología and Laboratorio Nacional de Citometría de Flujo, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico